These scores are byproducts of a long and rewarding choral career. Curiosity about overlooked, unfamiliar, or forgotten music resulted in an appreciable score collection reflecting a love for unaccompanied singing and included a special passion for music of the British Isles. Out of print nearly a century or more, many scores have fallen into the public domain in the U.S. The editions in this digital library have been created from this collection and from other original sources in the public domain, respecting U.S. copyright law. None have been created from recent editions currently under copyright or from new editions found on public domain music websites, respectful of work by others undertaking similar projects.

These editions are available as a service to the choral community, recalling music most often neglected or forgotten. With choral organizations facing continual financial challenges, these scores are intended to allow greater programming flexibility by providing music with little cost. Scare resources can be redirected toward published music under copyright and in print, especially newly composed. This service can help a choir purchase music that otherwise was too expensive or resist photocopying illegally.



Comments may be directed to the e-mail provided below.

Especially welcome is notification about performances or recordings using any of these scores. Copies of programs or sound files are greatly appreciated.

In an e-mail submission, please include director’s name choir name and demographic, organization/institution, city, state, and country.